HYPOS is rooted in Central Germany as a starting point for the market ramp-up of a green hydrogen economy for good reasons. Central Germany is already a hydrogen region. In this combination, the region has unique features in Germany that predestine it as a preferred region for the implementation of a Green Hydrogen Economy.
In addition to the high potential for electricity production from renewable energies, it is especially the given infrastructures that distinguish the region around the Central German Chemical Triangle. A 150 km long pipeline, along the A9 highway, can be used to supply hydrogen between the three chemical parks. Customers include international companies from the fuel and chemical sectors as well as the ammonia production sector. Close to the pipeline are salt caverns that could be used for large-scale hydrogen storage. These energy storage technologies will make it possible to provide and use renewable erngies throughout the entire year by using hydrogen. Last but not least, there is a well-developed natural gas network, which opens up further diverse application and distribution channels for green hydrogen. Due to the existing applications, there is a broad knowledge in the use of hydrogen in the region, which is complemented by the expertise of research institutions.
Based on the European Green Deal, the national hydrogen strategy as well as the hydrogen strategies of the three central German states and the current market development, HYPOS accelerates a cross-sectoral green hydrogen economy and its breakthrough.
Main pillars of the HYPOS strategy are: