HyCC is a leading industry partner for the safe and reliable supply of green hydrogen and circular chemistry solutions to enable the transition to a carbon-free industry. Building on over 100 years of experience in electrolysis and its leadership in safety, HyCC is implementing pioneering water electrolysis projects to supply industry with carbon-free hydrogen from renewable energy and water. From the production of sustainable steel to sustainable jet fuels, HyCC believes that green hydrogen is the key to providing essential products to a growing population: without emissions, to achieve more sustainable economic development. HyCC B.V. is a joint venture between European electrochemical company Nobian and Macquarie's Green Investment Group and joined HYPOS in 2022. Marcus Bort, Senior Business Development Manager and Country Chair Germany at HyCC, talks about the plans and motives of HyCC for its HYPOS membership.
HYPOS: What role does green hydrogen play for HyCC?
Bort: The efficient production of green hydrogen and the safe and reliable supply of this sustainable medium to our customers is HyCC's core business.
HYPOS: In what ways can your industry benefit from green hydrogen?
Bort: We see ourselves as a highly experienced and reliable partner to the industry on their decarbonization path by providing safe, reliable and highly efficient solutions for the supply of green hydrogen on a large scale
HYPOS: Where does HyCC see the greatest potential for green hydrogen?
Bort: A very huge potential is offered by the energy intensive industry, here especially the so called hard to abate sectors like for example chemical, iron+steel, cement but also petrochemical/refineries, paper, glass as well as heavy transport by land, air and sea have huge needs for green hydrogen.
HYPOS: What do you expect from a HYPOS membership?
Bort: To have a competent exchange with the members, politics and also other associations and to jointly promote and engage in the removal of hurdles for the ramp-up of green hydrogen.
HYPOS: Thank you very much for the insights. You can find more information here.